Anna Kesäniemi
Visual artist based in Helsinki, Finland.
Illustrations, patterns & graphic design
I’m Anna Kesäniemi, a visual artist from Helsinki. In my work I move between various means and methods from collage work to textile design and clay sculpting. Recently, my work has focused on ceramic pieces and paintings, but I also have a strong foundation in the field of illustration and graphic design.
Regardless of the technique and material, my work is tied together by a strong use of textures and patterns with fascinating color combinations. Playfulness with interesting details is often repeated in my works. I aim to create a cheerful mood with my work for the observers of my art. I wish that the different textures and pattern variations intrigue the observer to study and immerse themselves in the details of my art pieces.
If you are interested to learn more about my work or collaborate, feel free to contact me and let’s talk more!

Anna Kesäniemi
Instagram: @kepardicompany
- Designmuseo Shop, Helsinki
- Delite Flowers & Design, Helsinki
- Kiasman museokauppa, Helsinki
- Kioski Shop / Taidehalli, Helsinki
- Puf, Turku
- My o My Xmas Garage, Helsinki Forum & Kämp Garden
- Schwesterherz, Friedrichshain, Berlin